Exploration in negative space..
I am catching up on my art homework after a week battling the stomach flu. We started this project in class - exploring drawing the negative space. For those of you like me, who had no idea what that was (or had heard it before but didn't get it then) I will explain.
When you are drawing the negative space, this is the space in-between the rest of the stuff. So all the black parts are what I drew. Naturally, there is the outside outline of the object, but otherwise you are drawing the shapes around the legs, etc. Not the best explanation, but it's the best I can do.
I didn't think that it would look like anything except black spots, but I think you can tell it is a stool right?
It was an interesting assignment and I am loving having the opportunity to be "forced" into exploring the creation of art. It has always been something I have wanted to try (for myself) and have never made the time for prior to now. Love it!