Falling in Love in the Desert...

I've had a busy few years. I am a new teacher; I've changed grade levels every year, which is like being a new teacher all over again. If you know any new teachers, please give them a hug (if they like hugs), or a Starbucks, and please forgive them if they have no idea what is going on in any part of their life; it's a crazy thing to be a new teacher, and nothing can prepare you for what it's really going to be like, nothing. I have survived three years of teaching, I am almost past the point where most new teachers burnout, that's another exciting accomplishment.

I've moved - again, but I have stayed in one spot for three years now, that's the longest I have been anywhere that didn't involve going to school and staying with my family. I think I might even be starting to put roots down. My post label "ramblings of a reluctant desert rat" doesn't seem appropriate anymore. I'm not reluctant, I'm building a life; that seems so weird for me to type. I'm building a life in Northern Nevada, a desert. The girl who grew up on an island in Alaska, surrounded by oceans and trees, I'm building a life in Northern Nevada. It's even a good life, and has the potential for being even better all the time.

But, back to this post, and this blog. I considered deleting the whole thing and starting over, but this site has been with me so long and the name has become part of my online identity that I realized I wouldn't be able to do that. I will be deleting some posts (after so much neglect, there are all kinds of issues with alot of them), and changing the look, obviously if you are here you see that. I don't know how often I will be posting, but I hope to post more. I want to show you how I have fallen in love with the desert.

Fall in the Carson Valley is a spectacular thing.
You may have noticed that the title of this post actually says Falling in Love IN the Desert. I made a typo way back in October or November on my Instagram Feed meaning to type Falling in Love WITH the Desert, but I liked how it sounded. I do want to fall in love, and I have fallen in love with this place, see what I did there?

I have lots more to share with you. I like having a conversation with you, even if you don't respond. Now for a couple pictures, it is my journey about falling in love in pictures.

I like to go on photo adventures and my mini-adventures will always appear on my Twitter and Instagram feeds. I like the immediacy of micro-blogging. However, how can you not fall in love with fall in the Carson Valley now? Isn't it gorgeous? Nature sure knows how to put on a show. 

These are just a taste. There's a lot more to come. How are you going to fall in love with where you are? 

-- Jenna



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