When the pollen flies about like snow; tis time to bring out the big guns...

Otherwise known as the happy pink anti histamine pill. I love spring and fall, they are truly my favorite times of the year. Today, I watched through fuzzy eyes as little tufts of pollen, or something that must be related to pollen flew through the air. It actually looked like it was snowing. I am very happy with this year's garden. We made raised beds. And, by "we", I mean that I explained where I wanted them and and then other people made them. I think this arrangement worked out rather well. I did fill them, do all the planting, and plan where things were going to go. Since I am still busy with the end of the quarter school stuff, I have helpers to take care of the watering. This is really the best kind of garden to have.
I also was able to harvest already, which considering how odd the weather has been is pretty shocking. Last year, no rhubarb, I stupidly moved it at the wrong time and angered the plants so they refused to produce. This year.... Tomorrow, I am going to harvest some more and make a strawberry-rhubarbe pie. Life is good.
So, how have you all been?


Might as well get ready for this coming season. Im excited too.
Unknown said…
I like your blog :]
I invite to my blog :]

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