Enjoying my Summer!

So much in fact that I have not been around the web much, but I think that its okay to take a break once in awhile.

In my humble opinion, nothing beats a Northwest summer; though it would be nice if ours arrived. We have had some truly gorgeous warm, sunny days, but my garden says that it would like a few more please. I have a little garden again this year. Its amazing how much stuff has come out of there considering the atrocious FROST and crazy weather that we had in May when the poor little thing was getting started. But the flowers have been blooming all over the place on the trail. Lovely yes?

I did my first 20 mile bike ride in a long time a couple of weeks ago. Ouch. Ouch and Ouch is all I can say, but remarkably I was able to walk the next day, if a little slower than normal. It did encourage me to get on out and bike some more and that is fabulous.

And did some some sightseeing. And will be off to do some more this weekend. There is an art studio opening and garden tour on Camano Island that I cannot wait for. And in August - a Pirate Festival! Pirates! With ships and everything. So over the moon excited to see some tall ships. And the pirates are a total bonus.

And hello to my new followers! Its nice to see a few more people drop on by. Hope you stay awhile and engage a bit. I released the comment moderation, so post away and have some fun. But, be nice. This is a nice blog. I like coming here and being silly; its a nice escape from all the non-silly crazy that is out there.

So, how is your summer? Have you been doing fun things? I hope so.


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