Review: Lighting Their Fires: How Parents and Teachers Can Raise Extraordinary Kids in a Mixed-up, Muddled-up, Shook-up World
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I'm a softie when it comes to inspirational stories for teachers as I am studying to be one. I was given this book by a random stranger on a plane, so how could I give it any less than five stars!? That aside, it is a wonderful book, full of ideas that are easily within the reach of the average person. This is not a go out and buy this product that will make it all better kind of solution, but rather a philosophy of education that makes sense.
The arts are usually one of the first programs to go in these days of tight budgets and hard decisions, but Rafe and other research is showing that adding the arts back into the curriculum is one of the best and least cost-effective ways to boost those test scores that we have become increasingly fixated on. Plus, its fun to have more creative lessons, for the teachers AND the students.
Rafe's style is easy and witty and full of real examples from his students and everyone would be a little better off if they picked this up and read through it at least once. =)
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