Review: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time IndianThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Everyone should read this book - truly!

I had to read this book for a class, which I am not always a fan of, since I like to have a choice in what I am currently reading. That said, I really enjoyed it.

As always, when there is anything I think might offend someone, I throw out the disclaimer, there are things that some of my more conservative friends would not enjoy. Some little bits that made me squirm a bit (I'm a conservative girl, some things I just don't want to know about ya know?!?!?)

Anyhow, the squirming aside, it is a fabulous book. The author's voice is clear, hysterical and gave me an insight into life on a reservation. That's right, the author is Native American and was raised on a reservation in Eastern Washington.

It is his tale of growing up, and what his decision to leave the reservation and pursue an education meant to him and his identity. It really is an exploration of what our choices mean to our sense of self, our friendships, and how to relate once again in a new world. Don't I sound all vague? Well, I don't want to give away the great bits.

I have a bunch of little sticky notes, marking some of my favorite lines (mostly because I have to write a reaction paper to my reading of it an partly just because). I even highlighted in this book, which I never, ever, do, even for assignments, but I just had to make note, just had to.

It's a short book, only 230 pages, so if you squirm a bit, its over quickly and you will walk away with an appreciation of a great many things in your own life.

Truly, everyone should read this.

View all my reviews


Tiffany Jewelry said…
I guess , too .Every literate person should read this novel.

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