It's almost mid-week, do you know where your sanity is???

I am pretty sure I left mine somewhere on Saturday, or maybe Sunday, that was a good day also. I just feel weird and scattery. It's just one of THOSE kind of weeks I guess.

It's a little bit of the holy hell I am moving whens??? Just a little. I panic easily, but calm down just as easily and get to the list-making and the practical side of things, I like to think that anyway. The panic can be pretty consuming at times, as my brain continues to make, re-shape and re-work the lists of things to do before I move while I am trying to fall asleep.

And, of course, I am still waiting to hear from the school I am in hopes of transferring to. My hope is that my pretty awesome grades and the fact that I already have my Associate's of Arts degree will help. And, that I rocked out my tests. Well, rocked em pretty well anyway.

And, I'm rambling, I know. It's one of those days, in one of those weeks.

I just have to keep telling myself, that soon, I'm going to be somewhere that looks like the picture below (even if it will likely have snow all over it):

I do love the green fields and even the cows; though I prefer the latter at a distance where they can't blow cow boogers at me--so gross!

Hope you are all having a good week!


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