Celebrating 200 posts–that’s a whole lotta babbling…

IMG_0006First I want to thank all of my readers that have been with me along this wacky journey called having a blog.  You guys rock! And for all of my new readers – you guys rock too, because you’re here too. I love that when we blog and when we read blogs we are participating in a conversation, even if we just lurk in the anonymity of it all.  We get to follow people whose words we like, whose journeys we enjoy, empathize with and maybe who just say it the way that we want to and can’t sometimes.

I was going to be all poetic and whatever, but that’s not me.  I just babble.  I don’t have  focus—why should I—it’s my blog and I’ll do what I want to.  And so will you all, I hope – just blog because you can; because we are (most of us I think) still living in a world where it’s okay to just say stuff just because we can.

And I guess that’s another good reason to blog because you can; because there are people who are not blessed enough (still) to live places where it’s not dangerous to speak their minds.  This is a crappy thing, but it’s a true thing.  So blog, blog, blog and share what you have on your mind, ruminating inside the confines of your neural pathways or whatever.

Just blog.  And that’s 200 for me—here’s to 200 more!

p.s. My photo has nothing to do with anything, I just thought it looked cool and added it because like always everything is fancier with a picture attached to it.


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