Who aaaaaaaaaaaam I??? Wow!

So I knew there was a Russian connection to my family. As I mentioned, there is the family legend that we are connected to Russian nobility. I assumed that this connection was quite a ways back, but really not so far.

My great, great grandmother was born in Russia in 1851. I am not sure exactly where, I only found that reverence as a side note in the book I'm digging through.

I always thought that my Russian connection was not very strong, but wow! That's really close. This makes me that much more anxious to really dig into the family. Her mother was born in St. Petersburg in 1830. Soo exciting!

I have always been fascinated by Russia and the rich culture of the people. My ancestors would have been living in St. Petersburg it appears at a very interesting time in that country's history in the tumultuous times leading up to the Russian Revolution. I am not sure if my great, great, grandmother's mother left Russia with her, but I can only assume that she may have.

Sooo time for a trip to the library as I believe they have a subscription to ancestry.com so I can do a little more digging.

To me, this is just unbelievable. Not only do I have deep, deep roots in the US, but also in Russia! And, unlike what I have always believed I do not have any Welsh or German in my blood at all! Crazy!

Cannot wait to find out more about my Russian heritage!


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