He only looks cute...

But, truly he is a minion of the underworld. At least that is how it has felt the last few nights. I made the mistake of moving my bedroom furniture all around to give myself more space. More space = more play time, at least to the two little devils that also sleep in my room. Felix, pictured here and his sister, Feisty, have the last two nights not allowed me any sleep! The first night I attribute primarily to the newness and the fact that someone left a lamp on in the living room so they thought it was time to play.

Last night, they played. They played ON my bed. Ever tried to sleep when cats were tossing their toys at you??? It doesn't work well. I'm a little cranky today and definitely crossing my fingers that this stops before classes start in a couple of weeks, because I will ABSOLUTELY need sleep then.

To recover, I'm re-watching LOST season 5 in my sleep-deprived delirium. It's vastly entertaining and I highly recommend you all try it. I anticipate at some point I will pass out during the day, probably at my keyboard or in the middle of an art project and wake up drooling...

Hope you are all getting the rest you need. Happy Blogging!


Sabrina said…
minion of the underworld...ha ha

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