Thanks for stopping by my painting blog! It's nice to have visitors and some good conversation about art! Your blog looks great. It sounds like you are taking a drawing class...good luck with that!
I found this super cool photography photo hunt thing while reading through one of the many blogs that I follow. I can't wait to get started! Check back in to see what I've captured! If you want to see more about the photo hunt... go HERE ! Happy snapping!
makes I am planning to blog through the month of December, you know one of those blog everyday kind of clubs. I like the idea of them a lot – though I’m not promising anything spectacular, because I tend to get sidetracked a lot, but I am planning to blog at least a little. I wasn’t even going to bother attempting another one of these things – the dismal failures and the guilt, the added stress from the guilt, who needs it really!?! I suppose if I actually made it all the way through I’d feel pretty awesome but it’s all good. Actually, what most excited me about this blog all the month thing was the theme – Zeitgeist – isn’t that just one of the coolest words ever? It just sounds cool. I am thinking of adopting it as my theme for 2011 – I’m not joking, I like it that much. In case you don’t know (or haven’t googled a defintion yet) here’s an overview of the meaning from wikipedia : is "the spirit of the times" or "the spirit of the age." Zeitgeist is the ge...
I neglect my blog for six monthsish and I have more followers! Hello to all you new people, my apologies for not being more interesting. I hope you have enjoyed perusing the archives. I have a new camera and I love it. It's a nice mid-range, user-friendly little guy and best of all... it zooooooooooooooms... It's a Canon SX-30, with a 30x optical zoom. Did I mention it zooms? Here are a couple of my favorite photos so far: This a burrowing owl that lives near my parents house in Nevada. The little family lives in an empty lot across the street and for awhile we were worried that some construction in one of the houses that bordered it had scared them away, but nope, there's the proof. If you have never met a burrowing owl, I recommend it. They are fun to watch; I especially enjoy watching the flying dust when it's time to clean out the den. Or, if you aren't paying attention and happen upon one by accident, the fluffed feathers and hissing are rather spectacu...