Backyard randomness...

I am still fighting tooth and nail with this back-up camera that, unfortunately, spent too much time with my dad. It likes to close for no reason, the shutter sometimes falls shut on its own among other things. The most annoying of its idiosyncrasies is that it refuses to focus close up consistently. I can be standing in the same spot and get 500 different variations of fuzz before one clear one comes through.

It might have to do with a menu setting, I'm not sure. The menu also doesn't like to show up consistently - aaaaargh!

Regardless, now and then a little gem appears. I rather liked how these random shells appeared in the backyard bird bath.

Soon we'll be on the way to Death Valley - sometime in the next day or two. Hopefully, I can finangle my dad's camera away for the excursion. =)


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