Knitting has temporarily defeated me - back to the crochet needles!

Ugh! After hours (and I am not exaggerating) of trying to get the k2p2 going or even the knitting, I have been defeated. My mother who also knits was unable to assist so it's back to the crochet until I get into one of the classes that are around.

We're not sure what the problem was, only that despite following the fabulous little pictures in Stitch 'n Bitch and numerous online sites, we couldn't get things to look right.

Since I really want a scarf finished before the next millenium, I whipped out the crotchet needles and am happily about a 1/4 of the way through my project.


Anonymous said…
Is it the purling that was giving you trouble? Or just going back and forth? Do you knit american or continental? Meaning, which hand do you hold your working yarn in?

These videos might help.
Purling -

Knit -

I love combination style knitting. Its fast and easier on your wrists. Or you could teach yourself irish cottage ( =)

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