And the book goes on - The Eyre Affair (Jasper Fforde)

Yup, two posts in one day! I believe this is a sign of an impending apocalypse or something along those lines so enjoy it before it starts raining frogs!

I am still plugging along with On the Road, but as always have another two or three books around the house, in the car, etc for breaks or just in case.

I was introduced to the Eyre Affair by a good friend of mine. Once again, I had been eyeing the book on the shelf for several months, but could not quite decide if it should come home with me.

This is a fabulous read for anyone who loves to read and has ever imagined themselves in the book. You do not need to be a fan of classic literature or that familiar with Jane Eyre to enjoy it, though it definitely makes it funnier if you are. Fforde packs his books with characters that are amazing developed, delightfully flawed and who have names of the utmost hilariousness.

I highly recommend this one to just about anyone and have been known to tell everyone to try it out. Happy reading!


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